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European Clients

www.advancedaudio-europe.com Advanced Audio Microphones Europe take care of ALL European sales and warranty. info@advancedaudio-europe.com


Due to the boutique nature of our microphones, each one spends some time on the bench. We strive to ship within 72 hours of an order being placed.Questions? info@advancedaudio.ca

Musikmesse: Advanced Audio does 4 days in Frankfurt!!

The whole team had a great time at Musikmesse. With visits from many new folks who were interested to try out the mics, as well as some old friends and faces stopping in to say hi!

 After driving, ferrying and winning the Autobahn race over 1200kms from the AA Euro offices in Gothenburg, Sweden, to Frankfurt Germany, set up day saw us setting up with over a thousand other booths!


         'Barren floor to the eye catching "Just Try Them" cross formation'


'Dave and Scotty fly around doing final preps while Mike contemplates the table layout'

With the welcoming booth ready for the more then 100,000 visitors over 4 days to stop in to chat and test, the AA team was ready and willing to show the mics to the German public. Vistors from all over Europe came to Messe to learn about new gear and test some of their favourite products.


Wiola Kazmierczak, Polish reporter, editor and blogger for Naglosnieniowy and Wokalistow did her first product test and interview with AA. She loved her voice on the CM67se, as did Scotty!

There was no shortage of techy talk for Dave,  with capsule manufacturer Tim Campbell and mic modder Mike Jolly stopping by to chat.


  "Tim Campbell and Dave talk capsules"     "Dave and Mike Jolly share modding ideas"

We even had visits from the DJ elite! Armin Von Buuren, multi award winning dutch DJ, stopped in, and though he is renowned for his trance music, he also records numerous vocalists and was very interested in Advanced Audio.


    "Armin A/B'ing before he got noticed and the massive crowd formed around him"


Even the littlest listeners (with help from Jill) could tell the CM47ve is one of the best! 

However, it now has a new competitor: the newest release, Advanced Audio's CM49 had it's first listen by the public. Reception was amazing and it looks like it will be a new favourite. From irish folk singers, to german rockers, to famed Croatian producers they all had the same to say:

                                                      "I want one!"


        "Me voice is ever so clear!"              'Croatian producer "Smoky" gives the thumbs up'        

            "How much is it!?!"             'Students are all ears while Dave describes the CM49'

After blasting the mics with "It's my Life"  German guitarist Jimmy Gee couldn't believe Scotty when he told him the CM49 cost $965, compared to what it sounded like, he said he was expecting 3 times that much!

Adrian Emsley  (designer of the Tiny Terror, the tube amp that changed the industry and Orange amps forever) Stopped in to discuss the remastering of the Iron Maiden back catalogue, recording tambo in the hallway and his vintage microphone collection.


Dave also had the chance to go down history lane with Dusty Wakeman, who recorded Roy Orbison and KD Lang at Dave's studio Ocean Sound in Vancouver in the 80's. Dusty is the President of Mojave Audio. Dave also had a chance to visit with Malcolm Toft, famed console designer and owner of Ocean Audio. Malcolm is a close friend of Mike's from the MTA days and it was great that his booth with his beautiful new console, The Ark LX was just down the way from ours!




A very big, warm hearted thank you to all who stopped in to chat and try the mics. We look forward to hearing from all of you and seeing you again in the very near future!!!


                                                   "Cheers Frankfurt!"